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HomeAcademic Writing and Editing

Academic Writing and Editing Services

Our aim is to help you, the scientist, publish your work in peer-reviewed scientific journals and promote it widely. As such, we offer writing and editing services to academics in a wide range of fields. 

We work with you to help you create a professional, polished scientific paper ready for submission and publication in your chosen scientific journal. We can assist you from the very early stages of brainstorming and message creation through to final copy-editing and submission. Even after peer-review, we can assist you in refining your work to give it the best chances of acceptance and publication. We have experience working with many journals and can help you meet their stringent, but different requirements.

From journal articles to systematic reviews to academic books we can assist you in the writing, editing and project management to ensure timely production of a quality manuscript at very reasonable rates.

Here's a thought...

We all know publishing academic papers is the bread and butter of science. Your publication record is the key measure of your quality as a scientist and crucial for your career prospects. And yet, trying to publish a paper is a time-consuming, arduous process which adds to the demands of your already heavy schedule. Why not let us worry about the words, syntax and language? You can then get on with the science... it's what you're good at, after all.   

Some examples*

A manuscript published in a peer reviewed journal. This one is about a randomised controlled trial in humans, highlighting the detail and level of discussion required in such a manuscript and that we can help you produce. It appeared in the British Journal of Nutrition in 2010. You can access the full paper here (although it is now behind a paywall).

Example of a review manuscript in a peer reviewed journal. Again, this demonstrates the technical level of writing that is achievable with our services. It was first published on in their FST Bulletin in 2003. Access the full paper here (although it is behind a paywall). It's now a bit out of date in terms of content but it still demonstrates the style.

Excerpt from an academic book chapter illustrating the level of technical writing we can achieve. This was published in 2006 in this book here.

*In the interests of full disclosure, all these examples were produced by Max Bingham during his previous existence as a real life scientist (i.e. before 24 Media Labs was even conceived). They are placed here as examples of styles that we can produce in terms of writing and editing manuscripts. Once we have some more up to date achievements we will replace these examples. We hope that this honest notice is taken in the right manner.  

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Defining your message and communication strategy is very valuable. We can help you with the process.

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‘Flu vaccine ‘breakthrough’ research published in… The Guardian? Another example of questionable practices and odd communication strategy appears to be emerging today. This time it's all about early stage vaccine research for 'flu being published in... The Guardian.
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Academic Writing and Editing

Academic Writing and EditingAcademic publishing is a vital process in Science. 24 Media Labs offers writing and editing services for scientists in a wide number of fields.


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